TCP/IP Subnetting Example
1) What Sub-net Mask Should I use ?
How many subnets are required ? = 27
Convert this number to low order Binary = 00011011
How many bits used to represent number ? = 5
Convert number of bits used to high order binary and convert to decimal = 248
2) How many subnets do I actually get using this mask ?
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
How Many bits were used for the subnet mask = 5
25 - 2 = no of subnets = 30
3) What are my subnet IDs
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 = 8
Starting at this number jump in increments of the same value (eg 8,16,24,32 etc..)
Until 1 below the subnet mask value ( i.e upto 240) There should be as many Ids as your calculated subnets figure.
4) How many HOSTS do I get per Subnet?
How many bits are remaining for Host ID? = 3 from third octet and 8 from fourth octet ie = 11 bits
11111111 11111111 11111000 00000000
255 255 248 0
2 11 -2 no of hosts per subnet = 2,046
5) What other HOSTS are on my Subnet ?
What value did you increment by {see 2) } = 8s
Which range does the subnet portion of your IP address fit into ?
Are the other hosts in the same range as you ?
If your IP address is with a subnet mask of you fit in the range
Between ->
Are these hosts in the same range as you = yes = no = no = yes